Saturday, November 21, 2015

Brief Break

Greetings everyone,

I can't say how much I appreciate all of your support over the last 10 months of blog posts. It took a lot for me to put this out in the world, and I'm so glad I did. I've learned so much and have received a generous outpouring of kind words from friends and family.

These posts and the conversations that have bubbled up from them have given me a refined look at the craft of songwriting. I feel I'm reaching new heights and that I wouldn't be here without the reflections on the past and present songs.

Last week, I was fortunate to perform as a solo artist not once, but twice! It was quite exhilarating and I'd love to continue doing it. After years and years of playing with bands, changing it all and boiling it all down to just me and my songs was eye-opening. I think I will always love playing in a band, but this was just plain good for my soul and spirit. To receive positive responses to just the songs was a welcome change for me. It's something I'll continue to reflect on over the next few months and weeks.

With that, I have to take a brief break from this blog. The reason is two-fold:

1) The busiest time of the year is coming in a few days at work, and I've been doing a lot extra things to train a new employee. This is my first peak season in my new position and I need to be sure I'm resting, etc when I can.

2) I've run out of space on SoundCloud!!!! To be truthful, this is main reason I've stopped, but peak doesn't help things. But here's the deal, you only get so much space on SoundCloud on the free version and I have maxed it out. I suppose that's a good thing, but I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I may ending putting all these songs on either/or YouTube or Bandcamp to free up space, but we'll see.

Hopefully I'll get my proverbial poop in a group in January and get this going again! Thank you all for your continued support. It truly means the world to me.